Sales Spotlight: A Fine Line… The balancing act

This topic is one, which meets with so many differing opinions and mindsets.  It also calls into question our own styles and how we perceive ourselves.  Let me start off by saying being aggressive is a good thing but it has to be controlled when speaking to a client. Being  aggressive for yourself is something I encourage.  Aggressive (in a professional way) to be the best you can be, work hard for what you desire, aggressive in your goal setting and your pursuit of knowledge/success.


Business Spotlight: Teach a Man to Fish


“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” ~Maimonides. 

We take this approach in our day-to-day business life but we also apply this methodology when training our customers. Over the years we have trained tens of thousands ends users on our software. (more…)

Extraordinary Results Begin with One Small Change

header-OneExtraDegree.jpgI always liked the book 212 The Extra Degree. The video linked below is eye opening and very powerful. In the heat of the battle we call business we tend to get caught up in the moment as we do all we can to adhere to our core business values. This at times, seems easier said than done. Taking a breath in these moments and really understanding the little things you do in your business do add up. They may not immediately translate to tangible results but when you are in the people business they will translate over time. The little things which, when executed to precision in business can be the difference between being Good vs. Great (another great read by the way) 


Sales Spotlight: One Great Thing


If you have not read the book Good To Great by Jim Collins you really should.  The author speaks about how companies and people go from good to becoming great. One of the principals discussed is the Hedgehog principal. A Hedgehog is a very defensive critter. It does not employ offense and when threatened it rolls itself up in a ball and becomes impenetrable. This critter is the best at the world at this defense. In sales and as a company, before you move on to something else, make sure there is something you do great. Master this one great thing you do.   (more…)

In Order to Succeed, You Must be Willing to Fail


Many of us take the entrepreneurial route for a host of  different reasons as we try to carve out our path in life. Some are born into it, some want control over their livelihoods, others want to see their ideas and hard work flourish.  As for me… Prior to jumping into the corporate world, I went into business because I was somewhat lost after college and jumped on the first opportunity that came to me. This opportunity began as a conversation I had in a gym and materialized into a door buzzer ringing in my apartment, which I almost did not answer because I was not sure I wanted to go in the direction of opening a business. I answered the door. Next thing I know I was headed to city hall with my new partner to get a business license. I borrowed some money from my parents while my partner sold his car. We opened up our first retail operation in a flea market. Needless to say this was a tough road but we knew there would be an interest if we did business the right way; with a store front operation.


Customer Profile: The Milford Trade & Exchange Co.


Jay Hammond, The Milford Trade & Exchange Co., Milford, DE

Entrepreneur Jay Hammond opened The Milford Trade & Exchange Company in Milford, Delaware in 1996. He built a JHammond_headshot.jpgsuccessful pawn shop and firearms /accessories retail business. After trying unsuccessfully four times to find a pawn management system, Jay turned to PawnMaster, he now believes this is the one. (more…)

Sales Spotlight: Coffee is for Customers not Closers

Coffee is for customers… not closers.   In today’s information supermarket we know as the worldwide web customers can easily fill their shopping carts with one click. They can get their information from companies and more importantly they can get their editorials from the social web. The social media is another outlet for prospects to shop.   They will engage a sales person when they are good and ready.   Operating on memories of what worked in the past is a sure fire way to lose market share in the now.  It is all about customer service and the user experience.  It is amazing to see in today’s 2016 market the outdated approaches being used to secure and service  business.  These ancient ways are more than just outdated they are very offensive and can be very dangerous for a business.  Coffee is for customers, listen to them and earn the right to share a cup with them.   
