Sales Spotlight: A Fine Line… The balancing act

This topic is one, which meets with so many differing opinions and mindsets.  It also calls into question our own styles and how we perceive ourselves.  Let me start off by saying being aggressive is a good thing but it has to be controlled when speaking to a client. Being  aggressive for yourself is something I encourage.  Aggressive (in a professional way) to be the best you can be, work hard for what you desire, aggressive in your goal setting and your pursuit of knowledge/success.


The fine line and balancing act you must manage comes when you are working with a client you have employed a consultative sales approach to.  You have asked the right questions, you have allowed the client to move at their own pace but then… things stop.  It is at this point when many of us get agitated at some level.  Truth be told, how can you not be? From my chair, the best way to combat this is by using and trusting your sales process.


The sales process has all the steps laid out for you and has all the proper questions to ask of a client.  Knowing the sales process will allow you to backtrack ever so slightly to pinpoint where a deal may have gone off the tracks.  Listening intensely to your client will easily identify where the disconnect was.  No matter what, just remember , we can’t please everyone.
