Business Spotlight: Staff Motivation & Contribution


In business, we have all heard it is about your people, products, and processes which generally define who you are. I can say this for sure… Here at Data Age our people are what has made us a powerhouse in our industry for many years. As we constantly try to get better and self-scout, we always peel back the layers so we understand why our people continually post great results and contribute to a world-class culture. “Great” companies focus on themselves more than the competition. They tend to get their employees actively involved and really listen to the ideas their people bring to the table.  Makes sense considering your people are the folks who are mostly engaged with the customers. 


What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Luis Ruiz, Quality Control



We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why.  Here’s what they had to say:

Luis_round.pngWhat’s your favorite add-on and why?

– Quickbooks Integration

Why do your customers need it?

– Over the years working with a diverse pool of customers, I have found the QuickBooks Integration is a must-have for any Pawn Shop no matter their reach, that is it can be a local shop or a multi-store operation, the benefit to the customer is the same. Of course the larger the business, the greater the need to integrate with QuickBooks because this program expands the accounting capabilities of PawnMaster. (more…)

Halloween Festivities and Corporate Culture


Company/business culture is a topic we will continue to speak about because it really is the foundation for any successful business. Staying connected to your customers and employees is a vital part of every business no matter what the size of your company or customer base. Collaboration and feedback is mission critical to any business and can be very hard to secure for a host of reasons. When you take a fresh approach to doing things and give back at some level, it makes it easy to get the information you need back from your employees and customers. Going the extra yard will have them all connected and feeling a part of the business no matter what level they may impact it on.


Customer Profile: Earl’s Pawn & Jewelry


Rhonda Roebuck, Earl’s Pawn & Jewelry, Mobile, AL

Not long after taking over as manager of Earl’s Pawn & Jewelry, Rhonda Roebuck realized how much time and money was RRoebuck_headshot.jpgbeing spent sending out hard copy pawn notices. After speaking with her PawnMaster account manager, Rhonda decided to implement the Text Messaging module in order to eliminate expensive, ineffective physical notices. Since she has started sending her customers text messages, Rhonda has recorded a 25-30% redemption rate on pawns. (more…)

The Secret to My Success


The first time someone asked me if there was any secret to my success, I thought the question sounded odd. I think that, in itself, is part of the secret to success; being humble. Don’t stay focused on what you’ve accomplished and always look towards achieving that next goal. (more…)

What’s Your Favorite Feature? Kyle Fenstermaker, Tech Support


We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why.  Here’s what they had to say: 

Kyle_round.pngI think biometrics is the best add-on as far as hardware goes, because it helps the customer become DOJ compliant. It is also very helpful for the pawn shop operator because the functionality allows them to log in quickly instead of having to type in their password. (more…)

Sales Spotlight: The High Road

header-SalesSpotlight.REDUXpsd.jpgWe take the high road in everything we do.  We are the best in the business so we always act like it.  When it comes to the competition, I assure you, they will sling untruths at any moment. The competition is it in for a quick buck. We are in it to help a client over a very long period of time. Taking the high road will automatically help you distinguish yourself from the field. I am not saying to lay down. I am saying you will pull out the facts, position them against the competition and hammer away on the real value points we deliver. 


Case Study: Bellevue Rare Coins


The Client
Bellevue Rare Coins Eric, Ryan, Daniel and Angela Hoolahan, Owner

The ChallengeBellevueRareCoins_headshot.jpg
Bellevue Rare Coins was running all four of their shops pen-to-pad. The siblings knew that they needed to be able to coordinate their locations, report to the police through Leads Online, and improve their processes to be more efficient.

The Result
• Coordinate Locations
• Police Reporting
• Improved Processes
• Improved Efficiency
• Record Keeping
• Inventory Control
• Compliance
