NPA Pawn Expo – Day One

We are just starting to wrap up the first day of the NPA convention in Las Vegas. As NPA members start relaxing at the trade show reception, the Data Age crew is still busy talking to some of the over 700 attendees.


Falling Gold Prices Hurt Some Pawnshops

Tom Gara of The Wall Street Journal did an article on how the falling prices of gold are affecting some pawnshops. According to the article, some larger shops are seeing the price of gold dramatically affecting their revenues. Some are focusing on re-selling their purchased and defaulted gold through their retail outlets, avoiding the scrap market when possible.


Choosing The Right Pawn Shop Software with Louie Lodes

Louie Lodes owner of Liberty Pawn in Fairview Heights, IL, talks with us on the importance of selecting the right pawn shop software from the get go. He tried a competitor’s pawn software and within 2 months made the switch to PawnMaster. In his interview you will hear all the things to consider when basing your decision on the software that will manage your business short term vs. long term. You can visit them at
Visit us online at for more helpful interviews like this one.Click to Play Interview

Stephen Remillard – How PawnMaster Helps His Business!

Stephen Remillard is a 5 year Pawnbroker in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada who used several other software vendors in the 10 years prior to starting his own shop First Stop Swap Shop. Stephen talks about how the reporting has been crucial to his daily operation as well as marketing efforts. Hear his message to future Pawnbrokers out there when it comes to software selection.


Fear About Gun Legislation Pushed Firearm Sales To Record High Last Month

With all the unfortunate school shootings and other events that have prompted congress to push stronger legislation on gun control, this article shows how that has created a huge spike in firearm sales in the last few months. For those of you who sell guns at your stores, have you seen a spike in sales as a result of articles like this and other things you have been hearing on the news? PawnMaster pawn software does a great job of helping you stay compliant with our gun log and police reporting functionality. If you would like to know more about how we can help your store call us now 888-949-7296 or leave us a comment below. We would love to hear your comments or concerns.


Pawn shop owner works to change industry’s image

The world is getting re-familiarized with the Pawn industry as a whole again, thanks in part to several highly successful reality TV shows like Pawn Stars, Hardcore Pawn, and Cajun Pawn Stars. They are bringing a positive light on a once perceived shady industry. Just like Jeff Mercer in the article below, PawnMaster pawn management software, has been changing the way Pawnbrokers do business for over 25 years. We are always finding ways to reinvent ourselves using our 2500 plus customer base to do so. As the industry leader with over 25 years of experience, we rely on our customer feedback to continue to help us improve the way our industry is perceived just like Jeff. 2013 is going to be a very big year for us with many new exciting programs being rolled out that will keep our customers happy and continue setting them apart from the competition. We have been updating our website and features within our software so make sure you check back often or you might miss something.


Len Summa Gets Promoted at Data Age to C.O.O.!!!

For many years, our company has seenLen Summa Got Promoted!!! growth potential and so many people have helped see this vision evolve. As the economic climate will continue to support our growth and as the market dynamics evolve, we now more than ever see the need for real corporate structure to be put in place to accommodate and drive this growth. The vision and need was always there but now is the time to act to ensure we can grow this firm to heights with no ceilings.


60th Anniversary of the Barcode

Because we all use bar codes in our daily routine, we wanted to share this cool,yet informative infographic about the history of the barcode that is now turning 60. As you know PawnMaster uses several different types of barcode scanners that help you manage your inventory. Happy Anniversary Bar code! Today is the 60th Anniversary of the barcode; and if you’re interested in learning more fun facts like the ones above as well as how the barcode came to be, its practical uses, and how industries have implemented the technology today, check out the infographic below.
