You have the idea. Maybe you have the experience. Maybe you watched “Pawn Stars” one too many times. You find a building, you start to envision the layout, the merchandise, the tons of money that you will make.
I Didn’t Know it Could Do That
Pawnshop owners are an independent group. Many have migrated to our industry from other businesses or jobs seeking the independence and freedom to be their own boss. They tend to be sharp, quick thinking and most of all, decision makers. It can be difficult for business owners with these personality traits to admit there are areas they in their business that can be improved upon. Often times training on their management software, probably the single most valuable business tools they own, is often seen as a luxury or worse, unnecessary. Especially if they have been using their system for years. There are so many other issues that require their attention, setting aside valuable time to learn a program they have used for years just isn’t a priority.
End Of Year Report Reminder
A quick reminder to all Data Age customers, be sure to run your end of year reports before you enter any 2014 transactions. For more information visit
Did You Know? Enhanced Search Functionality
PawnMaster has expanded the search capabilities when using a ticket number to find a customer. By entering just one ticket number in the payment screen PawnMaster will now bring up a list of all active loans for the customer on that ticket number. This makes taking payments for multiple tickets much faster.
Did You Know: Using Shortcut Keys in PawnMaster
PawnMaster includes several shortcut keys that will allow you to quickly and easily perform common tasks such as pawn/buys, sales, layaway’s, and more. These shortcuts give you the ability to use PawnMaster without always having to use a mouse. Once you become familiar with using shortcuts you will find you can perform many tasks much faster then you have in the past.
Jerry Whitehead visits Data Age
Jerry Whitehead of Pawnshop Consulting Group stopped by the new Data Age office to talk shop and discuss the future of the pawn industry. During his visit he had an opportunity to see the Data Age University training facility. We are just as excited as Jerry is about taking the education of our industry to a new level.
Data Age Reaches 2600 Customers
Data Age is proud to announce that today we reached a milestone never before seen by any pawnshop software company. Today Data Age added our 2,600th customer. We are happy to see the PawnMaster Network continue to grow as we add more leading pawnshops and pawnbrokers to our family. While this is impressive, we will not let it go to our heads! Data Age is committed to providing world class customer support and improve upon our industry leading products and services.
First visitor to our new office
Matt and Chase Ferris of Mega Pawn paid visit on our fist day in the new office. Matt gave us a great testimonial for our site. Check it out.
We Are All Moved In!
The Data Age team has moved in! Mostly. Today is our first day in our new corporate office. This space is not only much larger than our previous location, but it gives us the ability to host on-site visitors. Part of this new facility will include Data Age University, a new training facility and curriculum designed to help Data Age customers of all levels. From beginners who want to get up to speed as fast as possible, to long time users who are looking to take their shop to the next level, Data Age University will be the most advanced training program ever designed for the pawn shop industry.
Robert Tindal gets promoted to C.I.O.
In the last 25 years, Data Age Business Systems has grown from a small company formed by two young programmers who suddenly found themselves out of a job, into a world leader in pawn shop software. During that time, we have strived to improve the leadership within our organization as well as the pawn industry. As our industry continues its unprecedented growth, Data Age is always looking for ways to scale our business operations. As a software company, this scalability is critical in the information technology area of Data Age.