About the (MLA) Military Lending Act
Summa’s Sales Spotlight: Be You
Practice makes perfect. All of the past Sales Spotlights are out there to give you pointers and ideas for becoming better at selling. (more…)
The A, B, C’s of the Sales World
With only two selling days left this month, now is a great time to reflect. Think about what we did well, what we could have done better, and so on, so we can be even better next month. Throughout the month, you built and nurtured your pipeline; now is the time to close. The end of the month should be easier than the beginning because the hardest part is behind you.
A Simple Breakdown of PawnMaster’s Customer Snapshot
Working in PawnMaster day to day we mostly write loans, take payments and make sales. Usually, we look at the customer snapshot as a matter of habit to make decisions at the counter without giving it much thought. Let’s dig a little deeper to break down the data we are looking at and possibly discover a trick or two along the way. (more…)
BWI Tech Support Self Help Blog
Self Help for BWI Police Reporting
Business Watch International (BWI) is a worldwide law enforcement property recovery system that requires pawn shops and second-hand stores to upload data daily to its services. PawnMaster has an application that makes the process of police reporting very simple. Our BWI Real-Time reporting module will automate the process of sending information to your local police department. (more…)
Sales Spotlight: Sell Yourself
You must establish rapport as early as possible.
- Establish yourself as a person with knowledge and understanding of the industry, and the issues your customers encounter (more…)
Sales Spotlight: The initial call… get them warm
Let’s remember what is needed in every sale… Rapport. You have to have it. Knowing this, why not ease into a sales call and warm up with pleasantries. Find some common ground. This is where a little research would help you.
Summa’s Sales Spotlight: Avoid the Sales-y Mumbo Jumbo
Do away with the machine gun mumbo jumbo approach when speaking to prospects. Question-based selling will help you position yourself to respond to your prospects’ needs. You can have a productive conversation if you ask the right questions. Be careful not to make assumptions and launch into areas too quickly, that the prospect is not interested in.
PawnMaster is Bringing Pawn Brokers Together to Promote Education and Collaboration
I would like to thank all of the PawnMaster clients who attended our PawnMaster Training Event yesterday, at our Corporate Headquarters. This event was very well attended and it will spark more, which we will hold in several other cities for the convenience of our clients. The feedback has been amazing and our position around education, collaboration and training is one, which is being well-received and welcomed in our industry.
Summa’s Sales Spotlight: Not following Up Enough Times
Let’s focus on point #5 in the article below. This hits very close to home for a lot of us. Follow up and follow up fast. Being first to the door is key but staying persistent is also important.