Customer Profile: Crown Jewelers & Pawn


Mike Katsanevas , Crown Jewelers & Pawn, Salt Lake City, Utah

Pawn shop owner Mike Katsanevas has been a PawnMaster client for over 10 years. After trying PawnMaster Ignite for theMKatsanevas_headshot.jpg first time, he was totally blown away with the improved speed and user interface. Mike’s employees feel more incentivized by being able to track their daily sales goals in real-time right from Ignite’s dashboard, and now that they can perform multiple transactions simultaneously, work flow and revenue have increased exponentially. (more…)

Business Spotlight: Proper Expectations


One of the main reasons a customer-vendor relationship can go sideways in a hurry is mis-aligned expectations set early on in the business relationship. Many companies have mission statements, brand promises, and mantras which seem to change way too often, but great companies stay the course and believe in their approaches. This is because they expend great amounts of time, energy, and resources planning to ensure they get it right, the first time. This starts with hearing the customer and listening to what the market is saying. This holds true, not only for the products they bring to the market, but also the approaches in which these products are brought to market and supported.


Business Spotlight: Just Do Your Job

header-BusinessSpotlightREDUX.jpgAs a Huge Pittsburgh Steeler fan it pains me to write this but far and away Bill ”The Hoodie” Belichick is the greatest coach that has ever patrolled a sports sideline. He may even be one of the top strategist of all time. His approach, style and preparation should be reviewed by anyone in business. The tagline “Just Do Your Job” seems simple but when you peel it back it is very complex.


Hey AWS… How is Business? Booming!


Do you use Netflix? If not, surely you know someone who does since they have 47 million subscribers in the US and 83 million subscribers worldwide. Last year, Netflix streamed 42.2 BILLION hours of content though AWS. Oh and by the way – they dominate internet traffic. In fact, last year they accounted for 36% of downstream internet traffic in North America. That’s more than YouTube, Facebook, iTunes and Hulu combined.


Sales Spotlight: Likeability


In every sales opportunity, no matter what industry you may be in, rapport and likeability is a must-have element if you want to make a sale. It’s a simple fact; people buy from people they like. I have met so many talented sales people over the years and this plays directly into their success. If there was no charm, personality, rapport-building, or likeability as a part of their skill set, they never could reach The President’s Club. (more…)

Facebook Dark Posts – a Great Way to Sell Jewelry

Facebook Dark Posts are the Cheapest, Best Form of Direct Marketing Available Today!
We all know that Facebook has a gazillion users. The average American spends 49 minutes a day on Facebook. Because of that we should be using it for our marketing. What I want to share with you is why this is a kick-ass opportunity! (more…)

“Agile Performance Management” Accelerating the Delivery of Skilled Team Members

header-Agile_Performance_Management.jpgNOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have to do another annual employee review?! I would rather be hit in the head by a 95mph fastball while not wearing a helmet. Of course I’m exaggerating, a little, but I knew twenty-five years ago when I began my career as a Manager that I completely despised the traditional annual review for an employee. The traditional reviews are boring, time consuming, uncomfortable, designed for hierarchical environments, lack recognition, and have rigid goals that are set once at the beginning of the year.


I Found a Diamond Cheaper Somewhere Else

How can YOU tell a Great Value Story?
2nd Hand Story
Tell customers your diamonds are estate or bought 2nd hand. People perceive pawn shops as being cheaper, no matter what the price is because they use this 2nd hand value story.
Location Story
Talk about how you just got back from Antwerp or Israel. Mention that you partner with cutters all over the world to get the very best deals.
Quality Story
This is tough. To prove value you must prove you offer a better bang for the buck. Do this by using words such as “…when dealing with diamonds of this caliber…” or “Yes it is more money, but the best always is!”
