Customer Profile: Casa Grande Jewelry & Pawn


Ted Lowenthal, Casa Grande Jewelry & Pawn

Ted Lowenthal has been using PawnMaster since 2009 and can’t imagine his business without it. Whether he’s tracking TLowenthal_headshot.jpgemployee performance or firearm sales, Ted’s able to use PawnMaster’s powerful reporting capabilities to keep eyes on everything in his store. Ted knows that if he needs assistance, PawnMaster’s knowledgeable tech support team is available to help. (more…)

Business Spotlight : Stay involved & Invest In Quality People

header-BusinessSpotlightREDUX.jpgAs an small business owner of several retail stores and in my corporate leadership career, I have always tried to stay connected to the people who worked for and with me.  As we all strive to grow and gain success sometimes we find ourselves consumed and investing more mindshare in areas away from our core business.   This happens with greater frequency as an entrepreneur because many small business owners have to do it all. 


Putting People First


As leaders in our communities, in our businesses, and in our industry, we spend a great deal of time working with people. These people have a profound impact on our livelihoods through the work we do with them or through the products and services we deliver. In turn, our products and services should also have an impact on our employees, customers, and anyone you come in contact with. The great leaders, companies, and organizations never lose sight of this ever-present focus. You have to put people first no matter what, if you want to be successful as a leader or a business owner.
