Black Friday is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the United States. As a retailer, there are many things you can be doing even now to prepare to capitalize on this shopping frenzy.
- Stock up on the hottest items now – High-end electronics are always a big hit for gift givers and this year is predicted to be no exception. While some will be craving the latest release, others will be looking for great deals on last year’s models. This is where second-hand dealers can compete on a large scale.
- Improve cash flow – Between now and Christmas, consumers will be coming in to pawn items to fund their Christmas purchases. Make sure you’re ready for this increased outlay of cash. Contact Data Age about convenient monthly payment options.
- Expanded hours – Consider expanding your hours for the holiday season. While the shops will be packed with weekend shoppers, many will be out late on weeknights to find their gift giving needs.
- Know your stuff – Are you using PawnMaster’s inventory management and enhanced reporting systems? This is the easiest way to know what you have and how much you have invested at any time. Use our extensive reports to determine which items are moving with your clientele.
- Clean house – This is a great time to clean away the cobwebs and make sure all lighting is in good working condition. Check out merchandising displays in your store and fix them up or redesign to provide a fresh, welcoming atmosphere for your customers.
- Advertise – Shelves full of the hottest items and cash to lend don’t do any good if your customers are unaware of what offers you have. Use text messaging to reach your customers with the latest offers and new inventory available.
- Increase foot traffic – What’s better than your customers returning again and again? Expanding your customer base. Try out PawnMaster’s eCommerce lister, e-foro. Easily list your items to Craigslist and drive new customers through your doors.
All hands on deck – Make sure you’re prepared to handle the shopping season by getting all hands on deck. This month only, Data Age is stepping up to help you do just that. See our November Exclusive Offer for an additional user package, complete with license, computer, printer & barcode scan gun.
With Christmas right around the corner, you can never start preparing too early. Let Data Age help you see a successful holiday season. Account Managers are happy to assist you with your business needs!