Data Age Business Systems, the developers of PawnMaster pawn management software, have announced its plan for expansion to a three-tiered customer-centric service model to continue enhancing customer experience as it rapidly increases market share. In preparation to satisfy this massive growth, PawnMaster is promoting Alan Kircher & Brent Nocera to Sales Director positions. (more…)
Bullion and Coin Fraud on the Rise
Lately, it seems like stories are popping up every week of pawnbrokers, jewelers, and coin and bullion dealers being victimized by fraudsters. Headlines abound of fake gold and silver bars and high end fake coins being passed off as the genuine article. It is essential that we as pawnbrokers have the right tools and knowledge to combat these growing threats. (more…)
4 Reasons You Should be Using Text Messaging Right Now
Easily the most popular (and the most financially impactful) add-on feature with PawnMaster is the text messaging module. The advent of texting in our society has made it ubiquitous; globally, it is the number one means of communication and recent studies show that 90% of all texts are typically read within 5 minutes of receiving it. In other words, if you’re not using text to communicate with your customers, you’re a dinosaur. At least that’s what my kids tell me.
10 Reasons to Choose PawnMaster
We have as a company for 30 years, taken the high road in our approach when we find ourselves in a competitive situation. We will let the competition take shots as we let our customers with our industry leading products and our staff demonstrate what we can do for you.
Why Didn’t She Buy that Diamond Ring?
Holiday Selling Guidelines from Amazon
Dear Seller,
4 Strategies Used in Marketing Warfare
Earlier in the year we discussed falling prey to competitors writing fake reviews and trying to take false shots at your business. Let’s expand on this topic because we have received a lot of inquiries regarding this topic and many people wanted more information about and feedback pertaining to it. Marketing is a vital part to bringing your products, your services and your message to the market place. Marketing strategies should be a key part of your business planning and depending on the size of your business should be given a lot of attention. Your marketing efforts need to align to your overall business practice and company goals. It will also convey the message you want to deliver and set the stage for how you want to be perceived in your business.
5 Helpful Hints for Pawnbrokers – Volume 5
1. Clean your customer’s jewelry…for free! Nothing gets a conversation started with a customer faster and smarter than, “Ma’am, would you like to me clean that ring for you?” – especially a jewelry customer. It costs next to nothing, creates an avenue for discussion and virtually guarantees a satisfied customer – even if he/she doesn’t buy anything that trip. Get the customer’s name/email/cell # and, for PM customers, use the want list feature available, and watch the sales roll in. That’s a permanent customer. (more…)
Why Choose Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
From the moment you start the pre-hiring process until the exit interview, you are vulnerable to an employment-related lawsuit. As a result, your business should take a hard look at whether it can afford to defend itself against alleged wrongful employment practices accusations. If not, there is an insurance solution called employment practices liability that protects against wrongful termination, discrimination or sexual harassment suits from your current, prospective or former employees. This coverage applies to Directors, Officers and employees, and can sometimes extend to third party liabilities.
Right Candidate? Don’t Wait, Hire Them.
How do we have such great team members? You ask. I don’t lollygag around with the hiring process. When you have a tough job to fill, a skill set that is in high demand and with a shortage of qualified people, you have to move quickly to get them secured as a team member and in the Technology world it holds truer now than ever. Don’t let the old adage “you snooze you lose” come back to bite you. Too many times I’ve seen hiring managers hold to their process of finding a specific number of candidates to interview before moving forward. In the start of my career I always held to that. With age comes wisdom. I’m not saying don’t do background tests, drug tests, or reference checks. What I’m saying is if you interview one person and you know it’s the right person, hire them! Get the ball rolling NOW! Make an offer pending all your processes.