BE THE BUYER (not the seller) – Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Think about a time you bought something on eBay. What process did you go through? How did your experience make you feel?
Real-Time Support: You Asked, We Listened… Again
The Data Age Technical Support Team has earned world class status now for many years running. As customers and many new prospective customers come to our offices, the first thing they highlight is our Tech Support team. This 15-person team allows Data Age to help our customers very fast. No worries about not getting called back and not having your issues resolved. Most of the calls we take our “how-to calls”. We feel these calls are great opportunities to advance continued education and to learn more about our customers.
Data Age Business Systems Named Finalist In 2017 Best Places to Work by Tampa Bay Business Journal
At Data Age, we talk a lot about culture. But what does that really mean? “Having a great culture” means different things to different people. For some people it’s opportunity, for other’s maybe it’s compensation, having great benefits, work environment, company values and stability, or feeling like they’re a part of something bigger.
Operate in a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it
We’ve all fallen victim to fake or unfair reviews. Reviews can be a blessing and a curse. They’re a blessing because when you do business the right way, your satisfied customers want to get the word out for you. They can be a curse because ANYONE can write a review. That includes a customer who was asking for something unreasonable you couldn’t provide or your competition if they are feeling desperate.
I can recall my first NPA Expo event. A group of some of the well-known vendors were having a bite to eat and they were discussing many topics. I can recall them all sitting there and saying to myself, “There is a lot of knowledge sitting right here.” This knowledge could have benefitted me during my investigation of this industry, as I made the decision to enter into it. I then thought how great it would be if we could gather as much information related to the industry and put it in one place for consumption. As I researched, I found there was no one real go-to spot for this kind of information.
What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Colton Harkins, Consumables
Refining Views
passion pas·sion. ˈpaSHən/ noun
1. Strong and barely controllable emotion.
“a man of impetuous passion”
My name is Peter B Spector.
I am the Senior National Accounts Manager with GEIB Refining Corp. in Warwick, Rhode Island. I love what I do and I love my clients.
I have worked tirelessly for 17 years in the refining industry to earn a great reputation and following in the pawn industry, retail/Mfg jewelers as well as other industries that accumulate precious metal bearing materials. The owner of my company once told me, “the harder you work; the luckier you get” I believe that; don’t you!? (more…)
Printable Birthstone Chart
We’re always looking for ideas to provide useful tools, rather than only traditional sales materials for our customers and prospects. I’m sure you most of the industry knows these by heart, but we thought your customers might like to use it for reference if their mom, husband, wife’s birthday is coming up and they’re just browsing your store, unsure of where to start.
What else can we create, that you would be helpful either for you and your staff, or to help you sell more to your customers? Let us know in the comments below!
“Seek first to understand, then be understood.”
This is so true in our field of work. Understanding your client’s problem is the most important step in resolving it. Helping them understand how you solved it is equality important.
The Big One
For years, people have talked about waiting for the “big one” to happen. With each little tremor, they wonder if it is going to progress into a powerful 9-magnitude devastator. As the leading software in the industry, we’re just using this as an analogy, but it really is a reality when it comes to looking for point-of-sales software.