Operate in a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it


We’ve all fallen victim to fake or unfair reviews. Reviews can be a blessing and a curse. They’re a blessing because when you do business the right way, your satisfied customers want to get the word out for you. They can be a curse because ANYONE can write a review. That includes a customer who was asking for something unreasonable you couldn’t provide or your competition if they are feeling desperate.

As the market share continues to come our way we work with a lot of customers on every aspect of their business. One of the areas we have had a huge impact on is our customers’ marketing (Demand Generation), customer retention and branding strategies. We are a firm believer in the social media outlets because they work, provide great information for the customer base and give they your customers a window into your business. Social media plays a huge role in your online reputation. The power of the social media is incredible.

Like with anything else, this power can be also be used in negative and untrue ways. Many of our customers speak to us about fake or false review postings they are getting. “What can we do about it?”, they ask.

The article below speaks to this in a clear and concise way. As always, take the emotion out of how you approach such posting and stay close to the suggestions made in the article. The customers you have serviced for years will do your talking for you. By continuing to stack up your happy customers, you will only shine a more suspicious light on the rogue reviewer, who will be exposed for who they truly are.

How to help your customers spot a fake review on your page:

1. Remember, consumers look to reviews to make buying decisions, so keep that thought front and center.

2. Respond to every review in a professional manner. There are two sides to every story. Let the readers know you made the effort to explain.

3. If a customer is serious about doing business with you, they’ll likely be reading both your positive and your negative reviews. Let your prospects know you care though your attention to your reviewers.

4. Make sure you have enough real and positive reviews to offset any negative ones.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews when you have a satisfied customer. Make it easy for them by sending them the link to your review page.


