***New Hardware Overview Video for PawnMaster

This video will help you understand the importance of purchasing hardware through Data Age instead of with a 3rd party vendor. Visit us online at https://pawnmaster.com for more information or to request a demo of our pawn management software. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel so you can stay up to date as we roll out new videos.


PawnMaster Webinar Update!

In the last Data Age Times we introduced the concept of hosting PawnMaster Webinars. Webinar WorkshopsThe Webinars are being designed to help you better understand all the functionality PawnMaster offers, thereby increasing your bottom line. Why do we care about your bottom line? We cannot continue to be a successful company if our clients are not also successful growing their organizations. It is our goal entering Data Age’s 25th year in business, to help our clients be more successful pawn shop owners than ever before! (more…)

“Stocking Up” on Guns Before Election

Did you know that PawnMaster pawn shop management software helps you stay in compliance with law enforcement requirements with our gun log? PawnMaster helps simplify the gun tracking process and provides reports and the files needed. With the election just around the corner, see what one gun broker is doing to stir up business.


Pawnbrokers, Image is Everything!

Pawnbrokers, we know you have heard the phrase “Image is Everything”. We have visited pawn shops all over North America and the Caribbean. We have seen some of the worst and best shops in the business and the ones that stand out the most are the ones that are clean, well lit and make people feel safe to conduct business in. As Data Age / PawnMaster gets ready to turn 25 years old, we know as the industry leader, our image is constantly being watched by our competitors so we work extra hard to ensure we keep it positive. A key part of building your brand is promoting a polished and consistent image. Your image is reflected in everything that represents your business – logo, business card, packaging, tag-line, etc. To make a lasting impression, be sure every aspect of your marketing strategy mirrors that image in design, color and overall appearance.


Pawnbrokers … Learn How to Identify Your Most Valuable Customers

Pawnbroker, would you like to learn how to identify your most valuable customers (MVC)? This article gives some great pointers on how we should always be looking for ways to improve our customer experience. Let’s face it, without customers, there is no reason to be in business. As many of you hopefully know, PawnMaster offers many ways to help keep your customers happy and coming back. We have built in features like Text Messaging, customer loyalty points, and customer advertising sourcing so you can Who is your MVC?continue putting your marketing dollars in the right areas.


When Searching For A Pawnbroker Software Company, Stability is the key!

As we approach our 25th year in the pawn industry, we have seen close to a dozen companies come and go. We are the industry leading pawn software which has won several awards including our recent vendor of the year from the National Pawnbroker Association. We let our 2400 customers and counting speak for us when it comes to our success. When we started there were two major leaders in the industry and we have worked hard and proven ourselves time and time again through valuable feedback gained that only years of experience and a large customer base can offer.
