We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why. Here’s what they had to say:
The Vison that Took the Pawn Industry to the Next Level
This industry has seen a volatile 2016 and you can clearly see why I invested in top shelf leadership back in 2012. Events like those many pawnbrokers have unfortunately gone through this year can be avoided by, not only having great products and services, but by having great leadership. As you have probably seen through the social media and social proofing from PawnMaster clients, our leadership is constantly being praised for being caring and assertive for the PawnMaster client and we do this for one reason… To put them in the best possible position for success.
Customer Profile: Castle Rental & Pawn
Lincoln Nail manages a multi-store operation in Northwest Arkansas. One evening, he received a call from a pair of Data Age technicians who had gotten an alert that one of the hard drives in Lincoln’s busiest store was about to fail. The technicians sprung into action and were able to pull backed-up information from Digi-Shield, getting Lincoln back on his feet as if nothing had happened. (more…)
MLA in a Nutshell
What is the Military Lending Act?
What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Carla Vario, Customer Loyalty Points
We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why. Here’s what they had to say:
“I want a Deal On a Diamond”
What could be worse than your software crashing during your holiday rush?
Having issues with your pawn software? You always need reliable software to run your shop, however, it is especially critical during the holidays. After all, 21% of annual retail sales came from the holidays in 2015, according to the National Retail Federation. This is why it is absolutely critical for that your software company invests in the most reliable services to protect your business.
The Disney Way
Before coming to Data Age I had the pleasure of going to several Disney seminars. When I came to Data Age and found out my first NPA Expo would have Disney doing the educational seminar I flipped out and was elated. I did not know our industry too well at the time but knew the Disney seminar would help each and every broker who attended. Over the years I have spoken with many of you and we all seem to agree this seminar was the bomb. I reflect back on this event because I just did a Disney cruise with my family. For those who know me I do actually take time off here and there… But not a lot. My time aboard the Disney Magic cruise ship along, with a day on their private island just reinforced to me their approach to business is world-class and we should all take as much away from their approach as we can and apply it to what we do every day. Before I proceed let me drop a for fact nuggets on you regarding this company.
Customer Profile: Progressive Pawn
Tom Parker, Progressive Pawn, Alma, Georgia
Tom Parker didn’t have any background in the pawn business before deciding to open his own shop in his hometown of Alma, Georgia. After a crash course in pen-to-pad pawn transactions, an acquaintance suggested that Tom should investigate PawnMaster. Tom was so impressed with PawnMaster’s capabilities and the training he received that he joins us at Data Age for training sessions every three years to polish up his skills. (more…)
Management 101: OJT (on the job training)
While professors can teach you a lot of relevant information for running your business, there are some things you just have to learn on the job. Personally I experienced the same thing coming out of school and then opening up my first business. My school knowledge was useful but I was not prepared to address the challenges and situations that arise every day in business, which are not taught in school. One of the areas impacted by experience is the ability to know how to manage. The management team here at Data as well as many of our customers have to apply the on-the- job experience they have gained every day in our management approaches.