Marketing Your Shop For Summer

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So it’s Summer, and sales are slow. In order to execute at a high level in today’s pawn world, brokers should always be focused on retail and the benefits that it can provide.


What I Would Tell My Younger Self: With Billy Booth

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When asked to write a blog about what I would tell my younger self if I could go back in time, I first thought of the sports almanac from Back to the Future. Of course, there is also stock info and crypto currency. But I digress as I am sure that is not the intention of this requested blog.


How eCommerce Can Grow Your Revenue

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Many stores have been forced to develop new and inventive ways to achieve revenues during this pandemic. E-commerce has been the platform of choice, and frankly, allowed many brokers to continue to generate revenue while keeping store hours to a minimum. But was it worth it?


Introducing PawnMasterNation.Com

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Data Age Business Systems, developer of the industry’s leading pawn management software PawnMaster, is excited to announce the launch of their latest community resource center for pawnbrokers,  (more…)

Be Different With Text Messaging

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In most situations, when you continuously do something for a long period of time, it can lose it’s luster. In order to keep others, in this case your customers, engaged with your business, you should change things up every so often. Let’s use text messaging for example.
