New for 2018: Productivity Reports in PawnMaster


PawnMaster is known for its robust reporting capabilities, and that’s why we partnered with Vernon Stading of Devoted Pawn Consulting to create three custom reports to better serve PawnMaster users. Vernon has been servicing the pawn industry as a consultant for years, and during his visits he saw where pawn shop owners could make, and in some cases, save more money if they had the tools to do so. Vernon approached PawnMaster with the idea of making three custom reports that would be available to all PawnMaster users; The Key Performance Indicator Report, The Employee Productivity Report, and The Employee Commission Report.

The video below details how each of these reports work and where you can access them through your PawnMaster system. Vernon is offering a Free Phone Consultation to anyone who is interested in using these new reports. He can be found online at Devoted Pawn Consulting or via telephone at 952-582-4669.

