Loan Balance Marketing

Loan Balance Marketing_Header

Here we are, its 2021. Now what? Loan balances are down, inventory is low, and stimulus checks, and tax refunds are right around the corner.

We all know how this goes, but we certainly did not expect two rounds of stimulus checks last year to remove the loan balances and inventory that we needed.

If our business has not seen enough changes in the past year, we are now faced with a new one once again. We need to build loan balance and grow our inventory. Loan balance in our world is everything!

Len and I did a video series on marketing for our ongoing PawnBroker 20/20 series (if you have not seen our PawnBroker 20/20 series yet, you can find us on YouTube at the link here: PawnBrokers 20/20) and we discuss all things related to marketing. Marketing isn’t just for sales, marketing helps you build and grow business. Marketing also helps you keep your current customers engaged and coming back to YOUR shop time and time again.

This is the perfect time to use the tools within PawnMaster that can help achieve your desired results. A text blast to customers that haven’t pawned in a while, offer them more and get them in the store, an email to your base to purchase anything that they are not using, a text to spend stimulus and tax return money with you. I am amazed at the number of our customers that don’t take advantage of these simple tools to create and manage new business.

Len and I are heading back into the studio for an in depth focus on Adaptive Marketing, and we will address how to market to these customers as the business changes. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay in the know and always be the first to know these great tips, implement them in your shop, and watch your business grow. 
