If You Don’t Service Your Customers, Your Competition Will

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In our 2019 blog “serving the under-served…the little things matter,” we talked about the reason behind the need for world-class customer service in any business. As we close out Q1of 2020, it has become painfully obvious to some why customer service is no longer an option…it is a necessity.

Customer service must come standard with every interaction at your business. Your team must know why quality matters. When I say painfully obvious, I can reference a few real use-cases from our road travels. As we gave a demo to a prospect customer at one shop, we witnessed a transaction where the customers were not well taken care of… in fact they were rudely whisked away, so to speak. Considering we were in the same area, we demoed another shop and you wouldn’t believe what we witnessed…that same customer from shop #1 came in and transacted business with the second shop. I did not have to ask the customer why he shopped at store #2…. I saw it with my own eyes.  

As business people, we hope loyalty is present with our customers, but “hope” is not a business strategy, especially in today’s “search world.”  I recall having lunch with John Thedford who embeds customer service as a staple in his entire business culture. It took him less than three minutes to say this establishment has terrible customer service just based on how they greeted us and serviced us early on in the meal ordering process.  Considering we waited quite a while for our meals and then finally once we received it, the orders were wrong, John Thedford was proven right. Needless to say, we won’t be going there again and that establishment lost yet another customer. This is a very typical occurrence going on in today’s market, and it is why you have to make customer service a main part of your company culture. We have talked up marketing in today’s pawnbroker world as a top 3 hat to wear, but you can include customer service as a must-wear hat to practice and to train on everyday as well.  Every company’s objective is to beat the competition, but this cannot be achieved without the customers’ approval.  Finish strong in Q1. 

