Gold buying software that uses a lot of the same great features our Pawnbroker software has…

We have Gold buying software specifically for Gold buyers! Gold is truly universal. Not quite ready for PawnMaster our leading Pawnbroker software yet? That’s OK, we have Gold buying software that uses a lot of the same great features PawnMaster uses, but is designed for Gold buyers. Gold is commercially mined on every continent except Antarctica! Gold is, with the exception of iron, the most broadly distributed metal over the planet. Gold has been located on 90% of the earth’s surface and is mined in deserts, high mountain ranges, in the deeply weathered soil of the tropics and in the permanently frozen ground of the Arctic. In the U.S., 32 states have recorded significant commercial gold production. Call Data Age for a proposal on Buy/Sell Plus for Gold and get your gold and precious metals buy/sell business running efficiently! P.S. U.S. gold futures are at about $1,651 per ounce as of today.

Gold is continuing to escalate in its value and we have the software to help!

U.S. gold futures are near $1,651 per ounce as of today. Are you ready to get started with a gold buying and selling operation in 2012? Or, maybe you want to generate new revenue and upgrade your current system so it handles gold transactions. People are figuring out how to pay their bills in early 2012 and for many, that means selling gold that they don’t wear anymore! Quickly and easily serve your customers with Buy/Sell Plus for Gold from Data Age. Buy/Sell Plus is just like PawnMaster, our Pawnbroker software, but specifically for Gold buyers. Call us for a proposal on Buy/Sell Plus for Gold and get your gold and precious metals Buy/Sell business up and running fast!

Pawnbrokers turn to Digi-Shield to save the day!

When’s the last time you had a power surge at your shop? Did you hold your breath and hope your data in your PawnMaster system was backed up? Come to think of it, when is the last time you backed up your data!? Let Data Age do your worrying for you! Your data is backed up AUTOMATICALLY! Repeat this to yourself – Call Data Age and get Digi-Shield. A single power surge or hard drive crash could wipe out everything in your system. From your customer database to all your transaction records! Call us today to find out more – 888-949-7296.

Pawnbrokers love our software because it helps speed up inventory management.

Pawnbrokers love our software because it helps speed up inventory management. Many pawn shop owners use PawnMaster pawnbroker software to streamline their business by incorporating the MC9090. The electronic hand-held computer designed to facilitate fast and easy physical inventory for your pawn shop! We are certain that your use of the MC9090, along with the industry-leading pawn management software program, PawnMaster, will assist in making your shop more efficient and profitable! Call Data Age today to get one for your shop.

Pawn shops everywhere are using our Pawnbroker software to earn their full potential.

Pawn shops everywhere are using our Pawnbroker software to earn their full potential. When it comes to owning and operating a business we would love to think we are maximizing every opportunity out there to make money right? What if you weren’t, how would you know? Sometimes it is best to call in an expert or your favorite sales rep at Data Age to make sure you have all the tools needed for your shop’s tool belt. We have a lot of amazing PawnMaster product add-ons to help streamline your business that really could bring home more money and make your daily grind less of grind. Call Data Age today for more PawnMaster tips on how you could make your store even more profitable 888-949-7296.

Many Pawnbrokers fail to backup their data on a regular basis.

When we did a recent survey of our PawnMaster customers, 20% of pawn shop managers and owners only back up their data about once a week or greater. A majority of them do backup daily but give their employees access to the backup data allowing for theft, fraud, and other potential problems. With Digi-Shield, you can rest assured your data is off-site in a secure environment away from employee access. It also backs up your data at set intervals throughout the day. That means in the event you need to restore your data you are not having to re-enter days, weeks, or months, just hours. Call Data Age to get started today 888-949-7296.

Our Pawnbroker software helps your employees gain confidence taking in high end watches.

Gain confidence in your employees taking in high end watches with our Pawnbroker software from Data Age. Increase the credibility and reputation of your business – as cautious, thorough, professional, and technologically-savvy. Include the Rolex legal action argument here too. Counterfeit Busters and Authenticator Pro for Rolex work with PawnMaster to make your life easier as a store owner, manager, or employee. Reduce costly mistakes from taking in fakes.

Ready to make the switch from your current Pawnbroker software to the industry leader?

Are ready to make the switch from your current Pawnbroker software to the industry leader? We know making the leap of faith from one software to another can sometimes be terrifying and the conversion of data can sometimes prohibit customers from changing programs. Since March 2008, Data Age has converted over 80 customers to PawnMaster from other commercially available pawn software programs. Almost 1/3 of those conversions are from CompuPawn software. Our programmers and tech support staff work diligently to save and convert as much data as possible when moving a customer from another program to PawnMaster. On average, it is a 9 hour process for our data conversions and these are handled after the close of business so that the pawn shop does not need to close its doors and lose valuable business during the conversion.

Invest in a Pawnbroker software that is designed to save you time and money!

PawnMaster from Data Age, the leading Pawnbroker software program, is designed to save time and money. From the Employee Management system to the powerful reporting features, PawnMaster software leads the way in running your shop from the time you open your doors in the morning to late night cash drawer balancing. Just the Dashboard Management Report alone contains vital information that can instantly assist you in making difficult business decisions. It is a snap shot of the total business done over a day, a week, a month, and a year! Key data is here, including redemption rate, default rate, loan yield, income, discounts and overrides, etc. Call Data Age today for a proposal for getting your inventory in order, your employees on the same page, your cash drawers balanced, converting your data from your current software, and taking control of your pawn shop business!

Do you want a Pawnbroker software for real world scenarios?

For 20 years, the developers and management team at Data Age has poured their pawn shop expertise into PawnMaster. PawnMaster from Data Age has been installed in pawn shops since 1990. Our Pawnbroker software features in the program are the result of real world situations. I have 2 cash drawers but 5 employees – how do I handle that? I think one of my employees is stealing from my back room – how do I prove it? How do I possibly keep track of all these DVDs!? This person brought in a watch to pawn but it’s broken – can I take in that kind of item? Answers are in the program. “Here’s how you do it” answers. Run this report and get your answer. Enter this code and that solves your problem. Call Data Age today to get real help! Talk to one of us about a proposal so you can start using the software that leads the industry!