Pawn Shops Sending Out Reminder Letters – Tech Tip

Here is a great tech tip for those of you who send out reminder letters. We currently print 3 asterisks on a reminder letter in front of the City, State, and Zip address line, to help pawn shops quickly identify letters that should be discarded out of the printed reminders. Some PawnMaster users are not aware of this and reminders are still being sent out.


Casas de empeño salen adelante con la integracíon de la mensajería de texto en su software.

Las casas de empeño salen adelante de la competencia con la integracíon de mensajería de texto en su software. PawnMaster tiene varias y diferentes funciones que le ayudarán a mantenerse en frente de la competencia y una de estas funciones es la mensajería de textos. Usted puede mantener sus clientes siempre informados de fechas de vencimiento de sus empeños, fechas de pago de layaways, empeños y reparaciones que otros negocios simplemente no lo están utilizando. Una de las mayores razones para usar mensajería de texto comó prestamista es que le facilita la comunicacíon con a sus clientes yevita el contacto dificíl y a veces frustrante por telefono, simplemente mande mensajes de textoa al inicio de su sesión de PawnMaster al comenzar su día. Incluso si sus clientes se quedan sin minutos pre-pagados en su celular, una buena mayoría de ellos aún son capaces de recibir mensajes de textos. Póngase en contacto con representante de Data Age hoy para saber cómo empezar a utilizar esta gran herraienta!

Pawnbrokers get ahead of the competition by integrating text messaging into their software.

Pawnbrokers get ahead of the competition by integrating text messaging into their software. PawnMaster has so many different features and functions to help you stay ahead of the competition and text messaging is one of them. You can keep your customers up to date when forfeits are nearing, layaways are coming due, repairs are ready, and payments need to be made. It doesn’t take your customers very long to love this added feature that other shops simply are not utilizing. One of the greatest reasons for you as a Pawnbroker to use text messaging is that it keeps you from hounding your customers by phone, simple send out the entire day’s worth of messages upon initial login. Even if your your customer runs out of prepaid minutes on their disposable phone, a good majority of them still are able to receive text messages. Contact Data Age today to learn how to start using this great tool!

Get ready for the first ever Data Age newsletter coming to a door step near you.

Data Age has been busy working on the very first newsletter that has been sent out and should be arriving at your business in the next week or so. We have been wanting to launch this for some time now and it is now a reality. It is packed full of many of the new things that have been going on with PawnMaster in particular. We look forward to continuing the newsletter on a quarterly basis. It will feature things from Tech Tips to breaking news within the company. It will also include an Employee spotlight so we can highlight people that are standing out in our company and allow you to get to know our staff on a more personal level. We hope you enjoy this and begin to look forward to getting it and learn from the articles we have chosen to help you get the most out of your PawnMaster software.

Our Pawnbroker software allows for easy mass updating of inventory pricing.

How many times have you wished you could simply use your Pawnbroker software for easy mass updating of inventory pricing? PawnMaster pawn shop software, can make quick work of updating your inventory pricing by categories. It will even give you the option to reprint the new labels so you can locate the items and apply the changes immediately. This feature is especially popular with the fluctuating metal prices. With the mass price update, you can raise or lower by a percentage rate and even by items over a certain amount of days. Contact Data Age for more details on how this handy feature can help you.