Pawnbrokers Unite From Around The World In Less Than 27 Days!

Pawnbrokers Unite From Around The World In Less Than 27 Days! If you haven’t booked your flight and room yet, there is little time left to make that happen. Each year the industry leaders converge for the show of all shows for the Pawn industry and showcase what’s new. Data Age the maker of PawnMaster pawnbroker pawn shop software, will be there in full force as they have for years bringing you the latest and greatest features and functions. This year will be no different with very user friendly features like we mentioned in a (more…)

29 days and counting until the NPA Pawn Expo in Vegas!

With less than a month to go for the National Pawnbroker Expo in the fabulous Las Vegas, people from all over the country are gearing up for the Superbowl of their industry. Data Age’s PawnMaster pawnbroker software is no different, we will be unveiling several new features and functions that are a must have like our new Protection Plan. The Protection Plan feature allows you to offer peace of mind to your customers who don’t want to (more…)

Pawn shops see boost in visitors, business

With the increase in customer traffic to pawn shops lately do to shows like Pawn Stars, Hard Core Pawn, and now Cajun Pawn, Pawnbrokers need technology to help them manage their stores more efficiently. Data Age’s PawnMaster Pawnbroker pawn shop management software, makes driving traffic to your store simple with great features like Text Messaging. Notify all of your customers when loans are due, wanted items are available, and coming soon blast messaging so you can send out mass text email messages about promotions to your customers. Below is a great article about how shops are getting more customers to visit. (more…)

Here is the latest “Did You Know” for the MC9090

Here is the latest “Did You Know” from Data Age for the MC9090 Wireless Handheld Inventory Management System. Check out our other video on the MC9090 if you don’t own it yet. After you this video you will find this “Did You Know” extremely helpful. For more tech tips and Did You Know videos like this one subscribe to our channel and go to


NPA 2012 Pawn Expo is fast upon us… Are you ready?

Each year the National Pawnbrokers Association Convention PAWN EXPO 2012 is the most comprehensive gathering of educational speakers, manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers in the industry. It is a tremendous opportunity to grow your business, ask questions, learn from experts, and network with fellow pawnbrokers from across the country. We are just a little over a month away to the big extravaganza! (more…)

Pawning my Aston Martin was the best option

When the wealthy need money in a hurry, they don’t bother asking a bank – many turn to pawnbrokers instead. This story below may not be in the U.S., but it rings true all over the world as we are all in an economic recession. We have stated in many of our past blogs that wealthy people use pawn shops for quick cash and its not just for the lower income folks (more…)

Pawn shops see many repeat customers

Our Pawnbroker software PawnMaster helps stores everyday like Cash for Gold with integrations such as our Quick Quote module that makes buying precious metals a breeze. Because repeat business is key to have a successful business, PawnMaster has features that can give your good customers points that they can redeem or trade in like (more…)