What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Kari Rinehart, Sales


We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why.  Here’s what they had to say:

Being at Data Age for 4 years, I have seen the wants and needs from our customers when it comes to add-on modules and services. The add-on’s we offer not only make work easier for our customers and their employees, but also help make their business more money. With that being said, my favorite service we offer would have to be Text Messaging and here’s why:


This module allows you to notify your customers when payments are due. It can notify customers of any sales or promotions you are running in your shop. As an owner or store manager, you can also use Text Messaging to send you real-time manager alerts so you can be “in the know” even when you are not in your shop. We have over 600 customers currently using this module and have had nothing but great feedback on how Text Messaging has helped their shop and made their customers happy.

When I talk about Text Messaging with our customers, I explain that this type of add-on a year or two ago would have been something I described as a cool new feature but when I talk about it now I make sure to tell them that it is absolutely needed to stand against the competition out there.
