What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Adrian DiFelice, Sales — 2D ID Scanning


We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why.  Here’s what they had to say:

As we come out of the bustling holiday season one particular adage seems to ring specially true, Adrian.jpg“Time is Money.”  The statement, usually credited to Benjamin Franklin, has special meaning for all business owners as there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything which needs to be accomplished done.  Fortunately, Data Age offers a solution to greatly shorten the amount of time it takes to complete a transaction.  The 2d Identification Bar Code Scanner.

The 2D scanner will expedite lengthy lines as it cuts the amount of time it takes to add a customer’s information from 3-4 minutes to mere seconds.  It will scan the bar code off of the back of any license and automatically populate all of the customer’s information into the proper fields in PawnMaster.  As an added bonus it will also scan the bar code on an item significantly increasing the amount of time it takes to complete a point of sale transaction. Don’t let the busy season’s long lines cost you any potential business due to customer frustrations while trying to process a purchase or pawn.  I believe it is an essential tool which needs to be utilized by every company using transactional software across the globe.
