My favorite Add-on module is “e-foro”.
People have chosen cyber shopping as their preferred method of buying goods. The jury’s in on that.
The thought of opening up your business and storefront’s selling potential by selling online is very exciting when you consider the number of buyers out there in cyberspace.

If only you could get that Watch collection, or that rare Guitar out in front of the masses on a daily basis….
Imagine if you could advertise your inventory to local e-commerce markets and drive foot traffic into your store.
Think about all the time saved by using one software tool to run your pawn shop and your e-commerce business, whether you’re posting inventory online to multiple channels or just one.
We’ve heard the cry, and answered the call. The solution is PawnMaster with its integrated eCommerce solution — e-foro. When it comes to what my favorite Add-on is, e-foro stands out for me.
Not just because I’ve helped build it, but due to the value we knew it would provide to our clients and then being privileged enough to sit back and watch it do exactly what we envisioned it would do.
Increase sales, drive foot traffic, and save time. All of which equate to more profit for our customers.