What’s Your Favorite PawnMaster Feature? Carla Vario, Customer Loyalty Points


We asked our employees what their favorite PawnMaster feature is, and why.  Here’s what they had to say:

Carla_round.pngOne of my favorite add-ons is customer loyalty points.  In todays’ world we all carry at least one cash back credit card right? What about the store cards that you need in order to get the sale prices at health and grocery stores?  

Having PawnMaster’s loyalty program add-on, customer points, is based on the same idea. The only difference is your customers are not forced into using a specific credit card or carry a keychain full of little cards to receive their cash back credit or sale price. Customers do not have to opt-in and better yet, you and your employees have NO extra steps to sign up the customer. It’s automatic! It’s fool proof! Customers pay anyway they choose, and they continue to accrue cash back in the form of credit on their account within your store, at a rate you choose. Is your customer base made up of coupon shoppers? Let them know there is no need to clip coupons or even store them electronically anymore.

Every purchase, payment, redemption, or loan a customer makes can them points and for you, the business owner, it will increase your number of repeat customers. You can steer traffic in on your slower days by enabling double or triple point days. The most important detail is you decide how you want to award points, and what categories you want to award for. You decide how you want to allow the redemption of points, these points are then converted into cash towards future purchases in your store. Increasing repeat customers is only the beginning. With customer loyalty points, your customers will be likely to spend more money in your shop while they’re there too. Customer receipts will show each customer how many points they have earned to date. No fielding calls, no looking up information, no opting-in… Talk about ease of use!  As if this couldn’t get any better, if you choose to capture e-mail addresses you can e-mail your customers through filters, letting them know the holidays are on the horizon and they should come used their customer points to make their gift giving go further.

This add on module is on my top 3 list and in my eyes…. A No-Brainer!

