We take pride in our marketing efforts here at Data Age and in turn often get the opportunity to answer our customers’ questions about marketing and promotions. One of the things we get asked a lot is “How can I get more people into my shop?” Let’s break it down and take a high level look at what it takes to successfully market your shop.
CREATE AN IDENTITY – You have your shop name, your logo, maybe a tagline, but do you have a schtick? How do you want people to remember or identify your store? BRANDING is huge when if comes to marketing a physical location you want people to frequent. Think of a way to make the experience memorable. Everybody has a gimmick. One of our customers has a 2,000 pound horse as a mascot and yes, he goes into the store. I’m not suggesting that you go out and get yourself a horse, but you have to admit that that’s not something you’re going to see everyday. It’s definitely going to stick with you, and that’s what good branding is supposed to do.
REACH YOUR AUDIENCE – I’m sure you’ve done billboards and Yellow Page ads, probably some radio, maybe tv. If you don’t have a website, you need to get one ASAP. You need to put yourself out there where your clients can find you. Having multiple touch points with your audience is called DEMAND GENERATION, you have to let people know you’re out there. Once you choose your platform, you can then fine tune your marketing to reach who you want. These days, you really need to focus your attention to where your customer base spends a lot of time; online.
SOCIAL MARKETING – We’re going to go more in-depth into SOCIAL MARKETING in some later posts, but here’s a couple of facts you need to hear; Facebook is the third most visited site in the world. 2 billion people use Facebook on a daily basis. 400 new users sign up for Facebook every minute. You need to have a Facebook Business Page. Social media is no longer just a gathering place, it’s quickly becoming an eCommerce hub. We follow these trends, that’s why we’ve added Facebook listing into e-foro, our integrated eCommerce product. Reports have shown that 54.5% of pawn shop revenue in 2017 came strictly from merchandise sales. We want to help make you as profitable as possible, and that’s why we offer multiple options for you to get you items online in front of even more people.
There are hundreds of different ways to promote your business, so don’t be afraid to try different techniques to find what works for you. We’ll be back soon to discuss more ways for you to market your shop.