Here at Data Age, we’ve built a reputation on being #1. The area that always meant the most to me is Tech Support. Data Age held the rank of #1 in the industry when I started here almost seven years ago. When the torch was passed to me as Support Director, I set out to ensure it was maintained, not only at that same standard of excellence, but with the expectation of becoming world class through continuous improvement.
I have had the opportunity to speak to many new clients joining the Data Age family after departing from a competitor’s software platform. One common theme I found in talking with these new clients about their old software is Support, or the lack thereof. In some cases, we’re hearing there are large gaps in call back times, stagnate issue go unresolved, or that our competitors have a revolving door with Tech Staff. Just as you get accustom to working with a Rep that you’re comfortable with, they’re gone.
Most of our Tech Support Reps have been with Data Age for many years, and are revered with our client base. If you mention names like Casey, Alex, Cody, Luis, or Willes (just to name a few) at any of the trade conventions, you’ll undoubtedly hear “I know him!”, or “Buy him a beer on me!”. Our Director of Technology, Billy Booth was one of the very first Support Reps. Billy has advanced his career through education and hands-on experience, and is still here 20 years later, leading the way in the ongoing development of our one and only true cloud platform — PawnMaster Ignite.
We’re organically grown here and we love what we do. We know our clients and understand their businesses. This becomes very apparent once you’ve worked with us. The 20-plus dedicated support members here at Data Age pride themselves on responding to support tickets in a very expedited manner. We recently deployed “Live Support” services that can see a client on the phone with a Rep when they call in. In addition to this, because we understand business doesn’t always come to a close at 6:00 p.m. ET on a Friday when our offices do, we have implemented full support hours on Saturdays, and our emergency on-call staff will ensure that no mater what day or time you’re moment of critical need arrives, we’re just one call away.
This level of commitment starts with our CEO, Len Summa and translates down to our Support staff at all levels.
Data Age Tech Support has proven to transcend industry standards time and time again over the years and as we near our 30th anniversary, you can rest assured that we’ll continue to deliver the peace of mind of knowing the industry leader in Tech Support and Customer Service is in your corner, and we’ll always be there…. Now that’s Priceless!