Leadership In Times Of Crisis

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Over the years, the word “leadership” has frequently been used as more of a buzzword. Don’t get me wrong, there are a wealth of real leaders out there, but this word always gets tested in times of crisis, and crisis tends to thin out the herd regarding this vital role. As business owners, corporate leaders, coaches and so many more titles alike, leading has to be viewed as a privilege. Leading in good times is a great thing, but leadership under duress and crisis carries much more weight. Great leaders make mistakes, but they learn from them and apply rapidly what was learned. 

The COVID-19 Pandemic has called leadership right to the forefront for many of you, and truly tested your skills as leaders in your space. It has demonstrated that leadership is not about notoriety or power, but about doing what is right for your business, your people and your customers. I am certain that in these trying times you all have had to make some impactful decisions. I tip my cap to you, because these decisions are never easy. I am sure more of them have worked in your favor, but the decisions that have not worked out so well, you process, review, and then adjust when confronted with new challenges. Being a leader is all about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, and adjusting as necessary.

From this recent crisis we will all grow, lick our wounds, and press forward. Leaders are always looking for the positive in things but never skirt the reality of the circumstances in front of them.  Be a leader, and constantly look to grow leadership in your organization. I assure you, it will pay dividends fast.
