Customer Profile: Gold-N-Guns Pawn Shop


Mark Strother, Gold-N-Guns Pawn Shop, Gonzales, LA 

Mark Strother, owner of Gold-N-Guns Pawn Shop in Gonzales, LA has been in business for 32 years. He learned the valueMark Strother.png having a point-of-sale and inventory management software early in his career.  The owner of his previous software passed away suddenly, making technical support, future updates and upgrades non-existent. Mark was forced to find a new software provider. He was looking for a stable company that would provide technical support and continual upgrades. That’s when he found PawnMaster.

“I’ve had to call technical support about three different issues. Once, my anti-virus program updated, disconnecting the servers from the workstations, and tech support was able to figure it out and repair the problem. When I compare the two tech support department, it’s like night and day. If I called into tech support with my old company I would always get an answering machine, and it may be two or three days before I ever got a response back.

The three times or so that I needed tech support here, it would be a matter of hours before someone called me back, which I was very pleased with because in each case, I stated it was not an emergency. I believe if it was an emergency and I needed to speak to someone ASAP, it would’ve been taken care of immediately.”

Mark Strother


