Customer Profile: Casa Grande Jewelry & Pawn


Ted Lowenthal, Casa Grande Jewelry & Pawn

Ted Lowenthal has been using PawnMaster since 2009 and can’t imagine his business without it. Whether he’s tracking TLowenthal_headshot.jpgemployee performance or firearm sales, Ted’s able to use PawnMaster’s powerful reporting capabilities to keep eyes on everything in his store. Ted knows that if he needs assistance, PawnMaster’s knowledgeable tech support team is available to help.

“The reports you guys have for accounting and inventory and pawn maintenance and employee maintenance; they’re extravagant. Missing bin reports are phenomenal. At the end of the day, pawn shops have to know where pawns are stored, and if you don’t, it’s embarrassing when a customer comes in and you don’t go right to their item, it takes too long to get it. So having that feature in the program is advantageous beyond belief.” Ted Lowenthal



