Culture Pays: Happy Employees Make for Happy Customers


Over the years, Data Age has been one of the top rated companies to work for in central Florida. We work hard and we play hard… And yes, we get a little whacky. Our world-class, industry-leading products certainly are very attractive to the top professionals seeking long-term employment, but it’s the culture at the company that attracts top talent through our doors and keeps them here. We just completed the NPA event and it is obvious the pawn industry is growing and transitioning. The veterans are mixing with the younger brokers so to speak. The younger folks here talk about how understanding the demographics of our customers is so important… This is a true statement. Not only does a company have to evolve and improve upon their products, services, methodologies and strategies, they also have to understand the people driving the business and the audience it is serving.

The industry is seeing a lot of the seasoned brokers continue to flourish, as they pass along their knowledge and wisdom to the young professionals making this industry a career path for themselves. The NPA had a wonderful forum in Vegas called the young professionals forum and it was refreshing to see so many energetic, new faces contributing at a high level.

Here at Data Age, we subscribe to and support the same line of thinking. We have a great blend of highly experience people, mixed in with the youth and future of the industry. One example would be the “Three Amigos” pictured here. Not only do we promote good work/life balance by having a boat load of fun, we bring in nothing but the best talent. These gents, along with a host of other team members, bring new-age and cutting-edge ideas and approaches which translate into results for our customers. We encourage our customers to stay well connected to their Account Managers because, while the world-class software we provide is well documented, the insight, collaboration and true partnership our team can deliver is what separates us from the rest. We also know how to have fun so go for it with your responses. 🙂

By Len Summa, COO
