Check out this AWESOME testimonial from our 8 store client Money Mizer!

Money Mizer Management, Inc.

1648 Manchester Expressway, Columbus, GA 31904
phone: 706.810.0605 / email: [email protected]
I recently spent two days at the Data Age headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. The purpose of my visit was
to gain a deeper insight into the Data Age product and services our company, Money Mizer Pawns and
Jewelers, utilizes on a daily basis in our corporate and franchise stores. I came to the realization that the
money our company invests in Data Age products and services goes far beyond the tangibles that we
receive. The quality of the product is clearly a result of and evident in the caliber of people who provide that
service to our company.
Richard Lutz exhibited the qualities any educational institution would love to see in a trainerhis
feedback, and depth of knowledge were exemplary. My background lies in education, where I obtained my
M.Ed with a focus on content and curriculum. Therefore, I must confess, my time spent with Richard was
part training, part critiquing his educational approach. Richard appears to have an innate ability to adjust his
instruction based on the needs of the student. The questions I posed were always approached by Richard in
a manner that focused on my prior level of knowledge to build my understanding to the next level. Educators
receive countless semester course hours focusing primarily on how to employ this particular pedagogy. Data
Age is fortunate to have a corporate trainer who has the innate ability to instruct in such a manner.
Alan Kircher should be appointed the title “Data Age Ambassador,” as he was a more than gracious host.
Alan went, in my opinion, above and beyond in making me feel welcome and at ease during my visit. The
foundation of sales is not built upon a quick seal of a deal but upon developing a trusting relationship with
the customer. Alan seems to have a firm grasp on this concept. Our discussions during training breaks and
meals varied from personal and business, and I felt a genuine concern from Alan on both fronts. His
suggestions for our company always seemed to be an extension of my own concerns, wishes, and needs.
In fact, each and every person I shook hands with and met at the Data Age office was welcoming and
seemed to show genuine interest in my presence not only as a customer but, more importantly, as a guest.
Robin Kiltz took time from her work at the end of the day to sit down with me and go over the billing from
each of our stores in order to see what may be lacking or what may be redundant. Adam Nunez and Nick
Marzola went above and beyond the call of duty to address a problem from one our store managers who
called me as they were preparing to leave on Friday. Billy Booth, likewise, took time from his busy schedule
and delayed his leaving for a youth baseball tournament to spend time to go over and discuss some new
features and products with me. Being a former high school coach, myself, I can appreciate his patience!
Thank you again for the opportunity to come visit and train at your company headquarters; thank you for the
hospitality shown to me during my visit; and thank you especially for the exemplary product and unparalleled
service provided to our company by Data Age Business Systems.
William E. Harris
Money Mizer Management, INC
