Pawn shop owners can now offer a Protection Plan through PawnMaster

Pawn shops owners can now offer a Protection Plan through the PawnMaster software with every item sold? If you are new to the PawnMaster family or maybe haven’t seen some of the really cool new features that we showcased at the last NPA Pawn Expo in Las Vegas, Data Age’s PawnMaster, now has the ability for Pawnbrokers everywhere to offer existing and cash customers, a protection plan. The plan can be set up on a dollar or percentage based rate and you then assign each Inventory item or category that the Protection Plan will be applicable to. How would you like to add an additional 5% or greater to your bottom for something you may currently be giving away for free or not doing at all. Increase your customer loyalty and peace of mind with this great add-on module. Our skilled Sales reps can use the ROI calculator to determine real numbers for you based off your own Management Dashboard report. Would this be something you offer in your shop? Leave a comment below.

Reality TV Good For Local Pawn Shops

Data Age has the industry leading Pawnbroker pawn shop software called PawnMaster. PawnMaster helps Pawnbrokers all over the world manage and operate their stores. Reality TV Good For Local Pawn Shops is holding true for our customer who can be seen on Cajun Pawn Stars opposite of their Vegas counter parts Pawn Stars. Below is a great article about how shows like these continue to boost our industry awareness and bring a positive impact.


28% of Americans have no emergency savings …

The article below is a great example of the importance a Pawn shop has in the community. They don’t specifically talk about Pawn shops nor Pawnbrokers but when Americans are strapped for cash and need a place to turn to for immediate financial needs, a Pawn shop is your best choice. Data Age and PawnMaster provide a majority of the Pawn Industry with the Pawnbroker pawn shop software needed to run their businesses efficiently.


Pawnbrokers, Are You Ready…?

Pawnbrokers, are you ready to single handedly take over the Vegas strip next week? We are and just putting the final touches on everything. Soon our bags will be packed, shirts, pants, and shoes all spiffed up so we can engage each and every one of you who will be there in a professional and enthusiastic manner. To say we are excited about going is an understatement. We look forward to seeing our current customers and interacting with future ones during this dynamic show. Data Age and PawnMaster have been leaking hints to you over the last few weeks on what to expect from us at the show. So here is one of the best enhancements to our widely popular Text messaging feature we introduced last year to you. Now you can send out Blast messages in addition to sending out payments due, items wanted, forfeits nearing as well as layaways. You asked and we answered the call to be able to send out a mass Text message instantaneously to every subscriber about sales and events instead of sending them out individually like before. The statistics and ROI on those pawn shops who have implemented Text messaging are staggering. Make sure you set your phone and calendar reminders to ask about this feature in further detail at the show.

Holy cow! 8 days until worlds collide…

It seemed like yesterday that we were all at the 2011 NPA Pawn Expo at Caesar’s Palace but my how times flies. In 8 days Pawnbrokers will converge and gather at the best show of the year again. If you were at last year’s show, you hopefully got to stop by Data Age’s PawnMaster booth to see what was new. This year will be no different with extremely helpful features like:


We are getting down to the wire with only 11 days left until the NPA Pawn Expo

Most people who go to the NPA Pawn Expo in 11 days will be taking a much needed break from their day grind and rightfully so. Pawnbrokers converge for a few days or stay the week in Vegas each year to learn about new products each of the vendors are promoting. This is a win-win for everyone in so many ways. First, Vendors get to mingle with existing customers and of course look to make new ones as well. Pawnbrokers get to see what each of the manufacturers have been working on all year that get showcased during this impressive gathering. Third, Pawnshop owners get to meet valuable industry contacts and network with other like minded Pawnbrokers and hear what is working in their neck of the woods.


The Pawnbroker Pawn Software Industry Will Take Vegas by Storm in 15 days!

The Pawnbroker Pawn Software Industry Will Take Vegas by Storm in 15 days! How many of you are planning on coming to Vegas to meet your fellow Pawnbrokers? We hope everyone will be there. The NPA Pawn Expo is a great place to learn what’s new and who’s who in the industry. Have you ever wanted to learn about new products and get valuable industry contacts that you could partner with? This is the show that will make that possible. Data Age’s PawnMaster Pawnbroker pawnshop software will be there and definitely one company to put on your must see list! This Vegas Pawn Expo, truly is a great way to network while being in a relaxing environment away from all the hustle and bustle of your shop. Even if you are there for a day or the entire week, the best of the Pawn industry will be there. Data Age would like to encourage you to come by and visit with us for a live demo and see how PawnMaster can increase your bottom line.


Whoa only 18 Days left … Pawnbrokers will be gathering!

Can you believe in just 18 days Pawnbrokers from all over will be gathering at this year’s NPA Pawn Expo? It is amazing how fast time flies when you are busy working to run your business and then the NPA Pawn Expo show sneaks up on you. Data Age and PawnMaster want to learn more about how they can help you increase your bottom line. If you are not familiar with us yet, we would like to encourage you to stop by our booth to see what all the buzz is about. PawnMaster is the industry leader when it comes to Pawnshop and Pawnbroker software and with over 2300 customers and counting. If you are interested in getting a jump start on all the great features that will be debuted call us today 888-949-7296.

Pawnbrokers, only 20 days until the showtime at the Cosmopolitan Hotel’s NPA Pawn Expo

In less than 20 days vendors from all over the country will be ready for showtime as each compete for the title of having the best product(s) on the market at the new Cosmopolitan Hotel for the NPA Pawn Expo. As the industry leader of Pawnbroker software, we here at Data Age and PawnMaster, strive to continue to step up our game by coming out with additional features and functions that our customers ask for. Which is one of the main factors of why we hold that coveted distinction. If you are new to the Pawn industry, the NPA Pawn Expo is a great way to mingle and get to know the “Who’s Who” in the business while making valuable contacts. We hope that we are one of those contacts for you once you stop by our PawnMaster booth and have one of our many qualified sales people give you a live demo tailored to your specific needs as a pawn shop owner.