The ATF has made several significant changes to the ATF form 4473 for 2017 and beyond, effective January 16th 2017. ALL FFL licensees must discontinue the use of the previous form issued in 2012, and make sure to comply and issue the newly revised version.
There have been many changes to the form’s questions such as the re-numbering of some questions, and additional clarification, definition, and instruction to many of the existing questions. Among these changes most notably you’ll see, in the general section where a “Warning Statement” has been added for “off premises” completion of the ATF form 4473. Licensees will want to review these changes carefully to make sure they staying within compliance..
Updated areas are as follows:
-Section: A
-Section: B
-Section: D
-Notice, Instruction, Definitions
-Related Resources
-Related research and background information
-Ordering forms
-Contact information