At Data Age, We Over Deliver


This phrase has been around for years but really became a catch phrase during the dot-com boom and then bust. During this time period companies were racing to gain market share and market position.  Companies that were over promising had one goal in mind… “How do we increase valuation for Wall Street to drive a mega dollar acquisition.”

Even in 2017 there is still some of this approach lingering . This is all fine and dandy for the vendor but for the customer, it meant being told what they wanted to hear to ensure another month’s worth of billings hit the books. Quality vendors who have stability and who are transparent don’t over promise…. They just deliver consistent results like professionals do. Actually, their demonstrate great courage when they turn business away because they can’t accommodate the business, support the business or make great changes to their own business plan to accommodate a particular piece of business. When taking on a new client is going to spread you so thin, it will impact the service and support to your existing clients, it is time to walk away. Not all companies are willing to admit this. Some of the readers of this post have most likely experienced the promises but unfortunately have felt the disappointments and inevitable course corrections entailing having to find a new vendors because they were promised so much and received virtually nothing more than contract swaps and buzz words.   

Our industry continues to settle through all of this. Data in every industry is vital and we have discussed vetting out contracts and the ownership of your data. Your data is yours and you should not have to pay to get it no matter what. At Data Age, we will continue to execute in a customer centric model, which is built on the basis of being a very transparent company. Having all of our resources based in our Clearwater, Florida offices, and increasing our headcount as we grow, we can easily deliver most any business needs our clients may have.  The key to avoiding “over promising and under delivering” really boils down to being transparent with your customers, listening to your customers and respecting your customers even if the answer is not what they want to hear.

