Customer Profile: Sun City Coin and Pawn


Kim Mendoza , Sun City Coin and Pawn, California

Kim Mendoza manages multiple Sun City Coin and Pawn shops in Southern California. Kim would spend weeks or, in someKMendoza_headshot.jpg cases, months waiting to get answers about her software from her previous provider, XPawn. Tired of having her questions dodged over and over again, Kim decided it was time to investigate an alternative option. She was looking for a company who would do what they said they were going to do and after researching a number of providers, Kim signed on with PawnMaster. Our staff’s willingness to answer her questions and address her concerns won Kim over and set her mind at ease.

“I actually called four different pawn software programs, and I talked to every single one of them for I don’t know, maybe a couple hours, just asking them different questions and prices and how they could be good for us. And at the very end, it just came down to the fact that when I was speaking with your representative, he just went out of his way to be available to me, not only just be available, but he spent as much time as I needed to answer the questions that I had. With your company, when I was told “I will call tomorrow at 9 am,” I got that call at 9 am. So it was just very refreshing to have someone do what they said they were going to do.” — Kim Mendoza



