Customer Profile: Charlie’s Pawn Shop


Charlie Temkovits, Charlie’s Pawn Shop, Jackson, MS

Entrepreneur Charlie Temkovits opened Charlie’s Pawn Shop 26 years ago.HubProfileImage-Charlie Temkovits.png After using a software management system out of Alabama for the first couple of years, he realized the need for something better. Charlie began using PawnMaster as his inventory management and point-of-sale software and continues to use it today.

“I do not want to imagine running my shop without PawnMaster…at all. I’m real comfortable with the PawnMaster program and no, I can’t imagine even trying to run (my shop) without it. The Military Leading Act (MLA) update went great, Jessica was helping me… and it sure eased the stress that I had converting over or starting to do it. They showed me the blocks to click on, the place to put notes… That was a big help, being able to talk to someone there because I got more answers there than anywhere else.”

 Charlie Temkovits

